“I Choose the Bear,” considering the numerous challenges in the modern dating landscape, which often feels like a jungle fraught with danger. There are references to sexual assault and violence in this piece. As individuals navigate a terrain filled with wild love and uncertainty, they confront the shadows of sexual trauma and the dangerous pitfalls of toxic masculinity. Despite these factors, some are contemplating an entirely new question in light of these difficulties.
In the event that you find yourself traveling through the woods by yourself and come across a decision between coming across a wild bear or an adult male, which of the two options would you like to be trapped with? My closest friend, I don’t know about you, but I, along with a lot of other women, are unironically opting for the bear rather than the guy because of the perceived dangers that are present in modern relationships.
1. The bear embodies for women in modern life
Hear me out, since I am aware that at first it could appear to be ludicrous. In spite of the fact that bears may appear to be wild creatures driven by instinct, they actually possess a number of characteristics that might make them shockingly attractive in comparison to certain men. The concept of cuddling up to a bear might actually seem more secure to women in a world where they frequently experience feelings of vulnerability and threat in romantic interactions.
Now that we have that out of the way, let’s talk about the elephant (or bear) in the room. It is true that bears are wild animals that are capable of causing harm; yet, it is regrettable that the same can be stated about certain persons of the same species. It is possible that the perceived threat posed by males in relationships is sufficient to send anyone scurrying for the hills — or the nearest bear cave — in a society that observes Sexual Assault Awareness Month as a sobering reminder of the dangers that women confront. At the end of the day, the question is trying to achieve a sense of security.

In addition, users of TikTok are pointing out that the likelihood of it being killed by another human being is higher than the likelihood of it being killed by a bear as well. Approximately 750,000 black bears in North America are responsible for the death of fewer than one human year, as stated by The North American Bear Center. This means that men between the ages of 18 and 24 are 167 times more likely to be responsible for the death of another person than a black bear.
The conduct of bears is surprisingly clear, in contrast to the unpredictable nature of human behavior. Neither do they engage in manipulative behavior nor do they indulge in mind games. If a wild bear in the woods decided to interact with you, it would do so if it had the opportunity. That is the simplest explanation. You can have faith that a bear’s expression of affection is genuine if it shows it. To add insult to injury, there is an undoubtedly seductive quality to the raw charm of a bear lumbering through the woodland. Kidding 🙂

In a world where permission is of the utmost importance, bears stand out as a distinct advantage. When your possible partner communicates with you through growls and body language, there are almost no hurdles to communication that you will encounter. In addition, let’s be honest: a bear is much less likely to force you to do something that you are not comfortable with.
As a result of the fact that males are frequently regarded as the most dangerous predators in our culture, the concept of being in a relationship with a bear might feel strangely empowering to many women. As a result, the next time you find yourself navigating the jungle of love, give some thought to the possibility that it is time to trade in the complexities of human relationships for the straightforward, essential requirements. I am not going to have a face-to-face meeting with a bear any time soon, and it is possible that my viewpoint would shift if I were to come across a bear in the wild; nonetheless, hypothetically speaking, I will take my chances.
2. Wearing I Choose the Bear shirt as a way to show your opinion
Screenshot HQ questioned random ladies on the street if they would prefer be with a man or a bear in the woods. More women than men volunteered to risk their lives with a bear, some explaining why. Like most women, participants thought the bear was safer. Some males didn’t understand why women would risk bear attacks, but others explained on social media.
When their spouses inquired why women would choose to be in the woods with a bear, some men seemed to know because the woman was their daughter. One woman argues for a bear in the video.
“I’ve heard bears don’t attack unless you f**k with them? Maybe a bear”, she chuckles.
Luis Torio explained the video’s women choosing a bear to guys who seemed bewildered. In his clip he questions “why would a woman choose a man over a bear when the number one predator of a woman is a man and not the bear?” He says a woman in the woods with the wrong man could be worse off than with a bear.

Bears can harm, but so can some men. In a society where Sexual Assault Awareness Month reminds women of the dangers they face, the perceived threat posed by males in relationships can send anyone scurrying for the hills—or the next bear cave. The query seeks safety. I Choose the Bear is a positive trend to raise women’s rights and protect them. Spread this message today!
YourTango joined the discussion and presented a few facts, the most astounding of which was that “the 750,000 black bears in North America are dead, which is less than one person per year on average.” It is 167 times more probable for men between the ages of 18 and 24 to kill someone. Assault statistics for women are also mentioned by the woman who is featured in the video.
However, users and content creators point out that this does not mean that every single man would be hazardous if they were trapped in the woods with this group of people. Rather than being concerned about the predictability of an unknown man, it appears that the fear is more about the predictability of bears.